Kandee’s first “Stay Active Inner Child Playdate” at Anacostia Park, Washington D.C.

Kandee has always had a passion for sisterhood. On July 15th, 2023 she answered her calling to minister to the youth of her community. She hosted a free picnic for the youth to teach them about healthy snacks that are super fun and easy to make. The young ladies (and a couple of gentlemen) learned new fun ways to stay active. Such as double dutch and hula hooping.

As someone who has struggled throughout her life with her own relationship with food, confidence, and mental health. She created these sacred playdates to offer a safe place for the children and herself to bond and overcome these issues together.

Peace and ProsperiTea greater mission is to minister to our community by way of providing more resources, meals, and hosting free “Inner Child Playdates” in underserved communities. If you would like to contribute to my cause, you can click the link below.

Donations are tax deductible, and greatly appreciated!